Lunar Storm


William Saxon

William Saxon

As Quartermaster, William (Bill to his friends) is one of Mercurius' deputies aboard the Lunar Storm. He sees to it that the ship is kept well-provisioned and the crew are kept in coin.

Bill is well-spoken, cultured and unflappable. He favours black tunic and trousers, and frequently wears a sea coat of the same colour as an outer layer. His head is often adorned with a bandana. He occasionally wears light ring mail, but most often eschews armour altogether.

Bill is tough, and can handle himself in a fight. He wields an enchanted longsword with an ornate handguard, which he keeps in a baldric either behind his back or at his right hip. As a main droit he has a short sword, either slung behind his back or scabbarded to his left.

Bill's primary form of attack and defence is not, however, his swordsmanship. He is a formidable mage, with many magical powers available to him.

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