Lunar Storm


Olde Gutrot's Raspberry Wine lable

Olde Gutrot's Rumbustiously Ruddy Raspberry Wine

Put 2½lb raspberries in 4 pints of water and heat until just simmering.

Chop ½lb raisins and place in a sterilised fermenting bin with 2 mashed bananas.

Pour the simmering raspberries on top.

Boil 1¼lb of sugar in 3 pints of water for 3 mins. Allow to cool slightly and add to the fermenting bin.

When the liquid is at room temperature, stir in a packet of wine yeast, 1 teaspoon of yeast nutrient and ½ teaspoon of pectolase. Seal with the lid fitted with a sterilised airlock.

Ferment for 5 days stirring daily.

Strain and press into another sterilised fermenting bin.

Boil 1lb of sugar in 1 pint of water for 3 mins. Allow to cool and add to the fermenting bin. Seal with the lid fitted with a sterilised airlock and leave for a further 5 days.

Siphon into a sterilised gallon demijohn using a sterilised plastic tube. Top up with cooled boiled water. Cap with the lid fitted with a sterilised airlock.

Store the wine for at least 3 months or until clear.

Siphon into sterilised wine bottles. Avoid disturbing the sediment or transferring it into the bottles.

Site by Guy Bartle Creative Media Services

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