Lunar Storm


Olde Gutrot's Plum Wine Label

Olde Gutrot's Palate Pleasuring Plum Wine

Wash 5lb plums, cut in half, remove the stones and place in a sterilised fermentation bin with a crushed Campden tablet.

Fill with 1 gallon boiling water and seal with the lid. Leave for four days, stirring twice daily.

Add 3lb sugar and stir vigorously to dissolve.

Add 1tsp lemon juice, wine yeast, 2 teaspoons of yeast nutrient, a teaspoon of pectolase and put the lid on.

Store somewhere warm for five days, stirring twice daily.

Strain into another sterilised fermentation bin and leave until the sediment settles.

Siphon into a sterilised 1 gallon demijohn using a sterilised plastic tube. Top up with water. Cap with the lid fitted with a sterilised airlock.

Store the wine for at least 3 months or until clear.

Siphon into sterilised wine bottles. Avoid disturbing the sediment or transferring it into the bottles.

The wine will be ready to drink after twelve months.

Site by Guy Bartle Creative Media Services

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