Lunar Storm


Olde Gutrot

Olde Gutrot

Olde Gutrot and his goblin band are successful poisoners. Too successful.

Hunted by just about every nation on Erdreja, and given sanctuary in a location known only to Mercurius and the other Scourge captains, he lives and works for Mercurius under the protection of The Scourge.

Olde Gutrot now produces wines and liqueurs for Mercurius, along with the occasional bottle of... something special. He also knows that if Mercurius, the other Scourge captains - or any of their people - get even a hint of bellyache after sampling his wares, so will he. Of the kind adminstered by a sharp metal pointy thing.

Some of Olde Gutrot's (non-lethal) recipes are listed here.

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